Lately it seems that I just can't get caught up on rest or sleep. It's cliche, but I spend most of my time feeling like a zombie. I just seem to walk around in a perpetual fog, tired and having a hard time focusing.
I made a minor change to the blog here; on the left hand side I created a list of what I am currently doing, so to speak, in so much as what I'm reading or watching on TV/DVD/Movies. Given our current lifestyle, don't expect me to tell you what movies I've gone out and seen......I don't get out much at the moment.
I've been getting frequent updates and information about my 20 yr high school reunion which will be taking place this September. Even though I didn't have many friends in high school or wasn't very popular, I enjoyed going to the last reunion if for nothing else than to see what's happened to the beautiful people. I ended up having a blast and drinking a little bit more than I should have, but I don't think I made an ass of myself, so it was a good experience.
I'm not sure I want to go to this one. Getting out of the house is a chore, so that alone has been causing me to waffle a bit as to whether or not I should attend. Today I get what I guess would be called a registration form and it says that the dinner will cost $81 a person! That's pretty steep, but it's not a price I haven't paid before for dinner. The kicker is that it's for a BUFFET DINNER????? They want $162 for my wife and I to have beef sandwiches, fried chicken, and mashed potatoes? Come on. I just can't justify that at all. We could go to some top shelf restaurants in Chicago for less than that and have a fabulous night, instead of getting dressed up for Boston Market. This doesn't look good at all.
We had a scare here at home with my son
Perrin. He some how found his way into a bottle of infant ibuprofen and drank an unknown quantity of it. How he got the child
safety cap off, I don't know, but it happened. We induced
vomiting and I left work early and bought some syrup of
ipecac and we monitored him the rest of the day and evening. Luckily nothing happened, but it sure worried me and scared the living shit out of
Meva. So, there are new policies in place to ensure that doesn't happen again. Man, those kids are into everything!!