I changed my mind and decided I would finish my insulation project in the attic while the kids were sleeping. The project has two specific goals, one is to put back the insulation that numerous contractors have moved and failed to return to it's correct spot, and second was to place some boards over the studs so I could walk more freely and easily. Well, I get everything up into the attic by myself and I'm moving along and placing things where they need to go. I'm about half-way through and I lose my head and place my foot between two studs.
I instantly realize the trouble this could be, so as I attempt to slowly take my foot away and place it on a solid spot, the drywall gives way and my foot goes through the ceiling into my hallway below.
Well, that put a stop to the insulation project, which will have to wait until I can find someone much leaner than myself to go back up there and finish things.
So, instead of taking an hour to do a project and then begin on the Christmas decorations, I now have 45 minutes of wasted time toward a project I won't complete for fear of doing more damage, and I now have my hallway covered in drywall, blown insulation, and fiberglass insulation just a few feet from where my children are sleeping.
So, I clean up the biggest pieces of the mess and begin cutting the whole in my ceiling so that I can repair it with some new drywall. After measuring and edging out past the area my foot came through, I line off where I' am going to cut the drywall and get to work.
Of course, more calamity ensues when, as I am cutting the ceiling with a utility knife, the blade gets stuck. Standing on my step ladder I grab the knife with both hands and begin to pry it out. But the knife must have been playing with me because as I began my pull, the knife loosens, and I of course fall backwards into the hallway wall, smacking my head.
You'd think that would be bad enough, but as it turns out my head is able to land perfectly onto a framed picture of my family tree that my wife made by hand, cracking and shattering the glass that it was behind. I haven't even told my wife about this yet (sorry Meva).
All I really wanted to do was begin hanging my Christmas decorations and have an easy day with my kids. The funniest thing about this whole thing is that it happens literally right outside my kid's bedroom and through the sounds of me crashing first through the ceiling and then into the wall, running a drill to hang the new drywall, and then using the vacuum cleaner to clean up the debris I couldn't get with my hands, the kids never stirred! Not one sound or whimper or laugh.
Of course that means that the phone will ring, which it does, and instantly begins waking them from their nap.
Outside of cleaning my kitchen and making dinner, I don't expect I am going to do anything else today. If I could I would just lay in bed so I don't break anything else.