Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Change in the Guard

Wow, what a couple of days these past few have been. By Tuesday night it was reported that the Democrats had taken majority control of the House of Representatives and this evening the Senate also came under their majority. It's no wonder that Donald Rumsfeld resigned as Defense Secretary. This is the best political news I've heard in quite awhile.

More can be said about the current state of US politics than I have the desire of room to write about here, but I will say that I'm glad that the Republicans have lost influence with the American people to go along with their power in Congress. It is my opinion that the country is in worse condition now than it was before baby Bush's term in office.

Despite the changing of the guard I am still very concerned about the situation in Iraq. Right or wrong, whether I disagree or not, we are there and so are our troops. To completely pull out our troops would be a mistake of catastrophic proportions in my opinion. Everything that has happened would most likely be erased and the average people we are trying to liberate from tyranny and give a democratic voice to would be the ones who suffer cruelly. I think the important thing to do would be to choose a plan to stabilize the new Iraqi government and then to slowly pull out as the Iraqi people and way of life becomes safe for all.

Lost amid all of this giant turn around is that Nancy Pelosi will be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives in January. The significance of this development is that she will become the highest ranking woman in American political history, just three steps from the White House. In this day and age of high terrorism it isn't too hard to think of a scenario that would bring her to swearing an oath to lead this country.

On the local front 9 out of 10 people I voted for won. I am excited because I think it shows that the people who came out to vote did a better job of understanding the facts and the issues than they normally do. I know for a fact that my wife and I pledged out votes to candidates that were either concerned with the needs of our area, had a track record of supporting and promoting our concerns and needs, or were highly qualified for the positions they ran for. Party politics didn't play a part in any of my decisions, but my ballot heavily favored the Democrats.

Well, it's late and I think I finally got my daughter to conk out and go to sleep, so I will do the same. Hopefully I will get another chance tomorrow to write again.

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