Christmas was great! We continued our tradition of reading T'was the Night Before Christmas with the triplets. This year we gave them hot chocolate in their bottles and I read the the story while they drank and tried to take the book from me. It was cute and probably my favorite highlight of the holiday.
All in all it was a very nice and low key event. My brother Cecil and his wife Sarah came, along with his mother Vera, who I consider to be a second mother to me. Everyone was extremely generous with their gifts to the kids, as they always are. We're very blessed in that regard and I would trade them for anything, I'm just proud and happy they are a part of my life.
Unfortunately there were two blips on the day that made it rough. I forgot to take my ulcer meds for three straight days and as a result the wonderfully tasting pot roast my wife made gave me no end of problems and I had to cut my eating short and let things resettle for a few hours. Then for the third year in a row my youngest sister brought her chaos into my life by calling (actually it was her husband) to ask us for gas money to get home. From my aunt's house. Meva and I toyed with the idea of not even exchanging presents this year because money is so tight, so she was barking up the wrong tree.
Last year this sister almost spent Christmas in jail and Meva and I bought and (for the most part cooked) a complete Christmas dinner for them (I think it was meant to feed about 12-14 people) by buying the turkey, a ham (I think), a bunch of sides, pies and cakes, and a bunch of cookies and fudge. If I'm not mistaken the year before that she didn't have money for Christmas gifts for her kids and was scrambling a few days before Christmas trying to borrow money to get presents.
Even though I know this will be read to my mother (which is fine), I don't think my family realizes how much this type of behavior effects me and gets me down. I love my sister and her kids, but she point blank doesn't live her life respectfully or responsibly and it makes me crazy, angry, and lugubrious. And that is only intensified when I think about her kids. In the end it causes me to be so depressed that I actually physically ache. Unless you suffer from depression, you can't understand exactly how this happens. It of course carried over into today, and if it weren't for my wonderful babies, I would have slept the entire day away.
Not too much else going on that I have much to say about. The always frustratingly fun Best/Worst of lists or the year are all over the place now. Overall I guess I like them, but sometimes it's kind of sad to see just what exactly we've let become important to us.
Again, TV sucks, especially daytime. Without cable, I am stuck with the basic local channels, so all I get are judge shows (they all suck and are redundant) and talk shows. Most of them are also filled with the dregs of humanity, so even the guests aren't interesting. I will share the sad state of my TV affairs to you all so that you can laugh with me (or at me) when I admit that watching Martha Stewart or Rachel Ray are the only shows I watch during the day--- that or the PBS kids shows!! (That Wendy on Bob the Builder is a babe in disguise!).
TV at this time of night (2amish) is equally as bad. Infomercials and Poker After Dark are what you get. I think I'd rather listen to Top 40 radio or Rosie O'Donnell. If it didn't make me so agitated I would just drop to the floor, instantly asleep.
Tomorrow I visit my bone specialist and hopefully I'll be coming home without a cast, but with a splint. Just being able to take it off to bath or let my hand and wrist breath would be wonderful and hopefully I can get back to work.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Can't Sleep, The Penguins Will Win!!
Since Thursday night my wife thinks I may have entered into a manic state due to the fact that I've slept about 8 hours over the last three days and I'm really not too tired or dragging my tail. Usually when I don't get enough sleep the migraines start flying at me at an incredible speed. Thankfully that hasn't happened yet, which is really weird.
I was adjusting my cast today when I heard and felt a nasty pop from the area in my wrist that they did the bone graft on for hand surgery. It hurt quite a bit afterwards and my hand has been more sore than normal as a result, especially in the area I has the pins sticking out of it. Everything just started acting up out of the blue. I hope this isn't a bad sign because I really want to get this cast off and move into a splint. We'll have to see how that goes.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I'm really excited about spending it with the Triplets and giving them a hot chocolate bottle before we put them down with a telling of The Night Before Christmas. Meva and I have done this every year that we've been together and it's now part of our family tradition. Last year we drove home early so that we would be able to get the babies down (the were less than 6 months old then) and we sat on the floor of the nursery in the dark with a flashlight and softly read the story out loud without waking the kids. I know it's corny, but we'll never forget it.
I was adjusting my cast today when I heard and felt a nasty pop from the area in my wrist that they did the bone graft on for hand surgery. It hurt quite a bit afterwards and my hand has been more sore than normal as a result, especially in the area I has the pins sticking out of it. Everything just started acting up out of the blue. I hope this isn't a bad sign because I really want to get this cast off and move into a splint. We'll have to see how that goes.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I'm really excited about spending it with the Triplets and giving them a hot chocolate bottle before we put them down with a telling of The Night Before Christmas. Meva and I have done this every year that we've been together and it's now part of our family tradition. Last year we drove home early so that we would be able to get the babies down (the were less than 6 months old then) and we sat on the floor of the nursery in the dark with a flashlight and softly read the story out loud without waking the kids. I know it's corny, but we'll never forget it.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Sometime around the end of October I got slammed with some nasty Malware on my computer through a comment someone posted on my MySpace profile. It was one of those nice ones that pretends it's Windows and tells you that it has detected spyware on your computer and you need to remove it to protect your computer. It is even nice enough to provide you a direct link to a site that sells a spyware removal program ranging anywhere from $25 to $99. The "company" that makes this program is the one that has infected your computer. I think the term that tech people use for this type of Malware is Smitfraud.
Anyways, I got one and I have spent the better part of the last two months with limited computer resources as I tried to isolate the bug and exterminate it. The final piece was a damaging file that hid itself within my firefox browser and took away all my links, distorted my display, and created a leak or something that forced me to manually shut the program off through my Windows Task Manager (pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete). To say I was frustrated and annoyed would be an understatement.
But this morning I got a lead on where to look and after a lot of digging around, I found the file and deleted that sucker. Everything looks to be back in working order and I am a very happy man once again. I hope this means I'll be able to post and resume my normal computer activities.
It's late and I should already be in bed, but I just gad to share this bit of good news!
Anyways, I got one and I have spent the better part of the last two months with limited computer resources as I tried to isolate the bug and exterminate it. The final piece was a damaging file that hid itself within my firefox browser and took away all my links, distorted my display, and created a leak or something that forced me to manually shut the program off through my Windows Task Manager (pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete). To say I was frustrated and annoyed would be an understatement.
But this morning I got a lead on where to look and after a lot of digging around, I found the file and deleted that sucker. Everything looks to be back in working order and I am a very happy man once again. I hope this means I'll be able to post and resume my normal computer activities.
It's late and I should already be in bed, but I just gad to share this bit of good news!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Best Plans
I was entering into this Holiday season preparing to pull out all the stops with baking, decorating, and trying to spread joy and peace as far and as often as I could. Honestly, I started doing research and organizing lists of things I wanted to accomplished and everything that I would need to make it so. Of course we all know what happened in October, I had my left had reconstructed after several years of intense pain. With just a week to go, I've got to face the facts and give up. I did the best I could, but my plans were huge and I just couldn't get a break when I needed one. In the end:
The cool thing about this year is that I've had the chance to spend time with people that are steadily becoming very good and important friends to Meva and I, and we also were able to meet some fantastic people that are very interesting and fun to be around and who show the potential to become good friends also.
Did I mention I also got to eat some baked brie cheese with cranberry jelly? A law should be passed making that a mandatory part of all meals during this time of the year.
And did I mention my children? They won't get even half of it, but they're going to experience opening presents ) and potentially trying to eat the wrapping paper. But of all the things they won't get or can't yet appreciate, the three kids, Meva, and I will all sit down and read The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve, just as Meva and I have done for the last 7 years. In fact last year Meva and I sat on the floor of the nursery with flashlights at 3am and read it to our 3 sleeping newborns.
I speak only for myself, but that is the spirit of the holiday for me. This simple tradition has become the essence of Christmas for me as I slowly impart it to my children, in the hopes that they do the same with their children. At the risk of sounding morbid, when I die, this will be image I take with me into the beyond.
- There won't be a super special Christmas card like last year before Christmas for everyone.
- My plans for baking treats to share with everyone have been greatly reduced, possibly to two, maybe three things
- I didn't get the garage organized and as a result couldn't find all of our Christmas stuff that was packed away for the move that never happened.
- I am ashamed of my outdoor decorations. They are just sad.
- My special gift packages that I wanted to give to my loved ones didn't happen, and I really wanted to get those done and distributed.
- I have misplaced my Hardrock, Cocoa, and Joe DVD, and depending on how well you know me, you know this one hurts.
- The interior decorations didn't happen either, at least not to the extent I wanted them.
- My special gift for my wife didn't work out again.
- I haven't gotten pictures of the triplets yet in the snow, with or without snowmen.
- I have always wanted a Christmas train to go around my tree or something significant, and this was going to be the year it happened, but that too was derailed.
The cool thing about this year is that I've had the chance to spend time with people that are steadily becoming very good and important friends to Meva and I, and we also were able to meet some fantastic people that are very interesting and fun to be around and who show the potential to become good friends also.
Did I mention I also got to eat some baked brie cheese with cranberry jelly? A law should be passed making that a mandatory part of all meals during this time of the year.
And did I mention my children? They won't get even half of it, but they're going to experience opening presents ) and potentially trying to eat the wrapping paper. But of all the things they won't get or can't yet appreciate, the three kids, Meva, and I will all sit down and read The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve, just as Meva and I have done for the last 7 years. In fact last year Meva and I sat on the floor of the nursery with flashlights at 3am and read it to our 3 sleeping newborns.
I speak only for myself, but that is the spirit of the holiday for me. This simple tradition has become the essence of Christmas for me as I slowly impart it to my children, in the hopes that they do the same with their children. At the risk of sounding morbid, when I die, this will be image I take with me into the beyond.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Seeing New Things
It's now been six weeks with a cast on my hand and I have to admit that is has gotten steadily worse each week. The pain has been a constant (let anyone try a bone graft, two grindings, three fusions, inserting a permanent screw, and adding to pins) and to add to the fun the would has been infected much of the time. Trust me, it's more fun than it sounds!!! LOL
So anyways, I got the pins removed. One of them had sunk low and a good deal of skin grew over it. The doctor had to give me some shots so he could slice up the hand without me feeling it. Being the curious sort, I watched as he literally jammed the needle-nose pliers about 1/4 inch into my hand and pulled out the 2 inch pin. It was really cool to see and very there was blood everywhere. Once he took out those pins I felt extremely nauseous and light headed and needed to lay back down for a few minutes.. But the good news is I should be out of the cast, and probably in a splint, in two weeks time!
Everyone around the house is on the mend and starting to feel better and get back to normal routines, although I'm having trouble sleeping, but that's not really new. But being that it's now 4 am, I think I'm going to his the sack.
So anyways, I got the pins removed. One of them had sunk low and a good deal of skin grew over it. The doctor had to give me some shots so he could slice up the hand without me feeling it. Being the curious sort, I watched as he literally jammed the needle-nose pliers about 1/4 inch into my hand and pulled out the 2 inch pin. It was really cool to see and very there was blood everywhere. Once he took out those pins I felt extremely nauseous and light headed and needed to lay back down for a few minutes.. But the good news is I should be out of the cast, and probably in a splint, in two weeks time!
Everyone around the house is on the mend and starting to feel better and get back to normal routines, although I'm having trouble sleeping, but that's not really new. But being that it's now 4 am, I think I'm going to his the sack.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Viruses All Around
Virus. It gas come to dominate my life of late. Everyone but Ryan is fighting a stomach virus here, lots of fevers, aches, and vomiting throughout the house with everyone else. That little Ryan is a badass, he just refuses to let stomach viruses get him down. I think I'm going to use him in a fashion similar to coal miners and birds in mine shafts. When Ryan goes do, I'll know that some new strain of the Mutaba or Shanti virus has come.
On top of all this, my computer has come under some nasty attacks of spyware and malware. I think I finally got the whole malware issue solved and fixed after about a month, but now I'm having trouble with Firefox. One of the add-ons I had with it screwed things up and my link toolbar has gone completely blank, my bookmarks are missing, and I have a large gray area at the bottom of the browser that's just doing nothing. I've tried the forum at Mozilla, but so far every suggestion has not worked. I'm getting to the point where I am considering reinstalling XP from scratch. I think I've just got too many problems and I might result to purchasing Norton System works.
My hand is apparently not doing well. The bones haven't fused as well as the doctor wants so I gave to get some bone stimulator to hook up to the hand so that it will assist bone in healing, but after 6 weeks in this cast, I'm still under a great deal of pain that most people would be screaming and crying about, But I don't have that luxury. To make matters worse I see, to have developed a nasty infection in the wound around one of the pins that are still sticking out of my hand. It must be pretty serious because the doctor wants me to travel to Indiana on Monday to get it checked out in case the infection is in the bone, which I'm told is serious. I am so ready for this to be done and over with.
The news has been over-filled with my favorite type of event; a mass murder shooting held in a mall. We got to hear everyone's story and see irrelevant photos that serve nothing but increased program ratings and the the go on and give the dead nutcase the spotlight that he wanted, which I once again predicted would serve as inspiration to the next asshole. Sure enough I hear there was another shooting instance in a different mall somewhere else today. Sometimes I think it's time to begin controlling the free run the media has on content and have the government step in and oversee some of what is reported on. They could be called the CRC, the content relevancy commission and have the power to impose fines and sanctions for violations that are against common sense and promote potentially dangerous threats to the citizens. Yeah, I know it takes away from some of out 1st amendment rights and it's a very conservative stance by me, but the irresponsibility of the media really frosts my ass.
Just thought I'd share!
On top of all this, my computer has come under some nasty attacks of spyware and malware. I think I finally got the whole malware issue solved and fixed after about a month, but now I'm having trouble with Firefox. One of the add-ons I had with it screwed things up and my link toolbar has gone completely blank, my bookmarks are missing, and I have a large gray area at the bottom of the browser that's just doing nothing. I've tried the forum at Mozilla, but so far every suggestion has not worked. I'm getting to the point where I am considering reinstalling XP from scratch. I think I've just got too many problems and I might result to purchasing Norton System works.
My hand is apparently not doing well. The bones haven't fused as well as the doctor wants so I gave to get some bone stimulator to hook up to the hand so that it will assist bone in healing, but after 6 weeks in this cast, I'm still under a great deal of pain that most people would be screaming and crying about, But I don't have that luxury. To make matters worse I see, to have developed a nasty infection in the wound around one of the pins that are still sticking out of my hand. It must be pretty serious because the doctor wants me to travel to Indiana on Monday to get it checked out in case the infection is in the bone, which I'm told is serious. I am so ready for this to be done and over with.
The news has been over-filled with my favorite type of event; a mass murder shooting held in a mall. We got to hear everyone's story and see irrelevant photos that serve nothing but increased program ratings and the the go on and give the dead nutcase the spotlight that he wanted, which I once again predicted would serve as inspiration to the next asshole. Sure enough I hear there was another shooting instance in a different mall somewhere else today. Sometimes I think it's time to begin controlling the free run the media has on content and have the government step in and oversee some of what is reported on. They could be called the CRC, the content relevancy commission and have the power to impose fines and sanctions for violations that are against common sense and promote potentially dangerous threats to the citizens. Yeah, I know it takes away from some of out 1st amendment rights and it's a very conservative stance by me, but the irresponsibility of the media really frosts my ass.
Just thought I'd share!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Gravity Is Working
I found that out the hard way today. I fell off the roof of my house hanging Christmas lights and cleaning out the gutters. Having only one good hand I really had no good reason to be up there, but the lights needed hanging and the weather for the rest of the week didn't look promising, so I had to tackle this today. I lost my grip on things with my bad hand due to the cast slipping, and when I over compensated that was all it took to send me pitching over the top and straight onto my gravel driveway. I fell forward and landed on the back of my head. The only thing I hurt was my ego.
I was initially concerned about getting a concussion and worrying my wife, so I originally said I fell into the bushes, but I figure it does no good to handle this with a lie, so I came clean. It's been about 7 hours now and I've only got some sore, achey back muscles and a slight headache. That's pretty good for an old man.
Despite those follies, I spent the day working around the house until Perrin got sick and then it was all about holding him and making him feel better. I must not have done a good job of it because he threw up all over me and himself, so we both got a nice bath out of it and then he seemed to improve somewhat, but he was running a fever.
Well, it's late and I need to sleep. I just noticed my clock on our TV is about 3 hours off and I have been up way tooooo late.
I was initially concerned about getting a concussion and worrying my wife, so I originally said I fell into the bushes, but I figure it does no good to handle this with a lie, so I came clean. It's been about 7 hours now and I've only got some sore, achey back muscles and a slight headache. That's pretty good for an old man.
Despite those follies, I spent the day working around the house until Perrin got sick and then it was all about holding him and making him feel better. I must not have done a good job of it because he threw up all over me and himself, so we both got a nice bath out of it and then he seemed to improve somewhat, but he was running a fever.
Well, it's late and I need to sleep. I just noticed my clock on our TV is about 3 hours off and I have been up way tooooo late.
Monday, December 03, 2007
The Idiot
Yeah, that's what I feel like. Sunday was just one of those days where I just seemed to be in a fog and just kept making mistakes after mistakes.
I left the dome light on in the car, so the batter was dead and I had to jump it with the van. Once that was all done I shut my flashlight in the hood of the van and spent 15 minutes in the biting cold trying to get the damn hood of the van open without any luck, before I remembered that I needed to go back inside the van and pop the hood!! I was so frustrated with myself that I pulled out the rod that keeps the hood of out other vehicle up. I wasn't even paying attention and grabbed it the wrong way and the whole damn thing just came completely out of the frame.
The Bears let me down today, no surprise. The better be the offseason of the offensive line, both in the draft and in free agency, because what they have out there just isn't doing the job. And that doesn't even cover needing safteies and upgrading the wide receviers. There is a lot of work to be done.
I spent mot of the day avoiding the world and processing everything that happened yesterday with the meeting I had with my Dad. It really took a lot out of me and I was spent and exhausted the whole day. I felt listless and useless. Luckily I have the best wife in the world and she worked his behind off today all over the house. It's nice to know I have someone I can rely on. She's truly amazing.
I left the dome light on in the car, so the batter was dead and I had to jump it with the van. Once that was all done I shut my flashlight in the hood of the van and spent 15 minutes in the biting cold trying to get the damn hood of the van open without any luck, before I remembered that I needed to go back inside the van and pop the hood!! I was so frustrated with myself that I pulled out the rod that keeps the hood of out other vehicle up. I wasn't even paying attention and grabbed it the wrong way and the whole damn thing just came completely out of the frame.
The Bears let me down today, no surprise. The better be the offseason of the offensive line, both in the draft and in free agency, because what they have out there just isn't doing the job. And that doesn't even cover needing safteies and upgrading the wide receviers. There is a lot of work to be done.
I spent mot of the day avoiding the world and processing everything that happened yesterday with the meeting I had with my Dad. It really took a lot out of me and I was spent and exhausted the whole day. I felt listless and useless. Luckily I have the best wife in the world and she worked his behind off today all over the house. It's nice to know I have someone I can rely on. She's truly amazing.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Although I've been silent around here for the last week, I've been doing everything else that I normally do, except updating this thing. The holidays have certainly claimed more of my time of late, but what's mostly kept me away is my counseling. It still goes well, but it's really hit the first serious crux on my road to getting through all the crap that bothers me.
There's still a part of me that hates the fact that I am in counseling and that I couldn't come through everything on my own. Maybe I'm just too infatuated with the old "tough guy" persona of Hollywood that I was spoon fed as a kid, but sometimes it makes me feel like less of a man. It's really a silly notion, but it's a part of the whole "process" I fight and this week it was more prevalent than usual.
Without going into much detail here, I met with my father today for the first time in almost 4 years. There are a lot of issues that I have with him from childhood to today and I need to find resolution and a way to let go of my anger. I showed up uninvited and unannounced, and I didn't know how things would go. I was prepared to walk away and cut all ties with the man. Instead I got to talking with him and I realized this would not be a one meeting process, it's going to take a few. There were many new issues that came up as a result of this meeting, and processing them will take some time. I expect this week to be a difficult mess, trying to get the house set for Christmas, just dealing with the babies, and working through what happened on Saturday.
I'm going to try and get a few hours sleep before that kids wake up so I have the energy to take hold of the day. If you don't hear from me for a few days, now you know what's going on.
There's still a part of me that hates the fact that I am in counseling and that I couldn't come through everything on my own. Maybe I'm just too infatuated with the old "tough guy" persona of Hollywood that I was spoon fed as a kid, but sometimes it makes me feel like less of a man. It's really a silly notion, but it's a part of the whole "process" I fight and this week it was more prevalent than usual.
Without going into much detail here, I met with my father today for the first time in almost 4 years. There are a lot of issues that I have with him from childhood to today and I need to find resolution and a way to let go of my anger. I showed up uninvited and unannounced, and I didn't know how things would go. I was prepared to walk away and cut all ties with the man. Instead I got to talking with him and I realized this would not be a one meeting process, it's going to take a few. There were many new issues that came up as a result of this meeting, and processing them will take some time. I expect this week to be a difficult mess, trying to get the house set for Christmas, just dealing with the babies, and working through what happened on Saturday.
I'm going to try and get a few hours sleep before that kids wake up so I have the energy to take hold of the day. If you don't hear from me for a few days, now you know what's going on.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Oh What A Weekend
I'm going to make this initial post short and to the point. We had a good visit at Meva's parent's despite the babies all getting colds and bronchitis. They were really well behaved and they mostly played with their grandparent's toys that they have just for them. Grandma Murial's white blood cell count was low, so she wouldn't get to hold them or even. As sad as it was, at least she got to see them
All around we enjoyed seeing our friends and family, and if the kids would have felt better they might have been less clingy to Meva and I and more willing to play and be held by others.
The trip home normally takes abut 7 hours, but at one point we were at a stand still for over an hour. It took an extra 5 hours, but we finally got home. Everyone is now a sleep and I need to join them. Details and any pictures will come tomorrow. G'night ya all
All around we enjoyed seeing our friends and family, and if the kids would have felt better they might have been less clingy to Meva and I and more willing to play and be held by others.
The trip home normally takes abut 7 hours, but at one point we were at a stand still for over an hour. It took an extra 5 hours, but we finally got home. Everyone is now a sleep and I need to join them. Details and any pictures will come tomorrow. G'night ya all
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Crash, Then Burn
Well, it was the power supply that caused the computer to crash. My friend Chris came over today to help me put the new one in as I always assume that I will do the most damage. So Chris came over and we got the new power supply in and as soon as we turned it on, there was a surge of some kind and my video card fried.
When I say the video card was fried, I mean this literally. Chris turned the computer on and I saw a bright light coming from the bottom of the video card and I said to Chris:
"Hey, that's fire."
"Yep, that sure is fire," Chris said.
"Yeah, that can't be good." I said as Chris quickly shut the thing down.
That sucks, but I got a new card that's a bit better and everything seems to be up and running now, so as long as that stays true, I have no complaints. It could have been much worse.
When I say the video card was fried, I mean this literally. Chris turned the computer on and I saw a bright light coming from the bottom of the video card and I said to Chris:
"Hey, that's fire."
"Yep, that sure is fire," Chris said.
"Yeah, that can't be good." I said as Chris quickly shut the thing down.
That sucks, but I got a new card that's a bit better and everything seems to be up and running now, so as long as that stays true, I have no complaints. It could have been much worse.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Last night I stepped away from my computer for about a half an hour to tuck my wife in bed for the night and when I came back it had shut itself off and wasn't working. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get it to come back on. My initial guess is that my power supply went bad. I'm really cautious when it comes to fixing computers myself, so I may not venture too far into trying to swap out the old one with the new one I just bought, but we'll see.
I spent most of the day in bed, feeling like I had the flu. Just overall felt like crap and I was fortunate enough that my wife was here and took charge of the house and the babies for me while I basically did nothing. I tell you, I definitely married out of my league and I got extremely lucky getting her.
Hopefully I'll be back up and running on my computer tomorrow, and the first thing I'm going to be doing is spending time backing up all my files. I've fallen behind on that, so it needs to be done anyway, so that will be a kill suck for sure.
Apparently my Bears looked like crap again today. I think that entire team needs to be overhauled and rebuilt. There is some great talent, but the team is just not very good, especially on the offensive side. The defense has more talent, but they can't seem to stop an important 3rd down, you can run all over them, and their schemes aren't working with the personnel they've got. If it were up to me, I'd start at the offensive line and work out from there, because this team needs it. The best part is that since I was sick, I didn't have to see the debacle
I spent most of the day in bed, feeling like I had the flu. Just overall felt like crap and I was fortunate enough that my wife was here and took charge of the house and the babies for me while I basically did nothing. I tell you, I definitely married out of my league and I got extremely lucky getting her.
Hopefully I'll be back up and running on my computer tomorrow, and the first thing I'm going to be doing is spending time backing up all my files. I've fallen behind on that, so it needs to be done anyway, so that will be a kill suck for sure.
Apparently my Bears looked like crap again today. I think that entire team needs to be overhauled and rebuilt. There is some great talent, but the team is just not very good, especially on the offensive side. The defense has more talent, but they can't seem to stop an important 3rd down, you can run all over them, and their schemes aren't working with the personnel they've got. If it were up to me, I'd start at the offensive line and work out from there, because this team needs it. The best part is that since I was sick, I didn't have to see the debacle
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Slipping Away
It's really hard for me to be as honest about my life as I've been in the past few weeks. During this time I've come to discover that I have lead a quite conservative life in more areas than I realized. Sure, my values and politics tend to be liberally moderate with a green tint to them, but I've held many things close to my chest; personal choices, personal opinions; and things I've done in the past.
I'm bringing this up because I want everyone to know and everyone who cares, what's going on with me right now. My reasons for this stance are legion, but I felt they are necessary not just for me, but for anyone who knows me or loves me. Because when it comes right down to it, my perception of myself seems to be in contradiction with some of the ways in which everyone else, save my wife, views me. This is because recently a friend of mine used the word "aggressive" to describe me.
I wasn't offended in any way, but it surprised me, threw me for a loop actually. My personal image and description of myself would never have included that term, if anything it was more contradictory- completely opposite.
For the first time in my life I've entered counseling and I absolutely hate it and yet love it. It makes me angry, frustrated, uncomfortable, and sad but at the same time it challenges me to confront all my lingering fears, issues, and problems that have shaped me and effect me negatively to this day. Wounds that I thought were healed I've realized are not and I'm fighting to address them and the powerful emotions that they release. It is hard and at times overwhelming. Sometimes I don't think I can do it. [Continue and get better]
What does help me get through it is exposing myself to everyone and finding strength in this vulnerability. I need to do it this way to tell my thoughts and feelings, and even my actions so that everyone gets a better understanding of who I am.
Because it's been too long since I've last written, I wanted to share a few things with everyone here before I succumb to my sleeping pills for the night:
Thanks for listening.
I'm bringing this up because I want everyone to know and everyone who cares, what's going on with me right now. My reasons for this stance are legion, but I felt they are necessary not just for me, but for anyone who knows me or loves me. Because when it comes right down to it, my perception of myself seems to be in contradiction with some of the ways in which everyone else, save my wife, views me. This is because recently a friend of mine used the word "aggressive" to describe me.
I wasn't offended in any way, but it surprised me, threw me for a loop actually. My personal image and description of myself would never have included that term, if anything it was more contradictory- completely opposite.
For the first time in my life I've entered counseling and I absolutely hate it and yet love it. It makes me angry, frustrated, uncomfortable, and sad but at the same time it challenges me to confront all my lingering fears, issues, and problems that have shaped me and effect me negatively to this day. Wounds that I thought were healed I've realized are not and I'm fighting to address them and the powerful emotions that they release. It is hard and at times overwhelming. Sometimes I don't think I can do it. [Continue and get better]
What does help me get through it is exposing myself to everyone and finding strength in this vulnerability. I need to do it this way to tell my thoughts and feelings, and even my actions so that everyone gets a better understanding of who I am.
Because it's been too long since I've last written, I wanted to share a few things with everyone here before I succumb to my sleeping pills for the night:
- Starting Friday I'll be medicating for Depression, for the last two weeks I've gotten worse each day
- She'll say different, but I've been an asshole to my wife, and she deserves much better than this.
- I cant sleep, and the meds are getting less affective.
- I feel lost, alone, and at times my future seems uncertain and impossible.
- I feel friendless despite great friends, yet I feel like asking "Where are they all?"
- Anyone who thinks I have ever just given them a "reality check" and didn't hold anything back, you need to know that I thought long and hard about I wanted to say, whether or not to say anything at all, or how to deliver my message, and in the end I held back my true thoughts and opinions for your benefit.
- Because of my hand, writing has come to a stand still and I feel incomplete, worthless, and empty.
- There are times through out every day when I think of the scars and injuries I've received from my family and they are so over whelming, that I want to lay down on the ground and cry.
Thanks for listening.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It's very late at night and I'm still up, although I'm trying to cut down how long I sleep because my back had just been killing me. It's a combination of being out of shape, a chronic bad back, and a bad abed. I've noticed when I sleep less than 6 hours I'm ok, but any longer and I risk some major pain. It was so bad to today that I started the morning literally crawling around to where my pain meds were before I could actually stand on my own. Lot's of fun let me tell you.
As a result, I've been listening to the TV and I'm offended and not impressed at all. Some lowlights that caught my attention:
Man, with crap like that on, I can't wait to watch Sesame Street with my kids in a few hours! I really need to get off the grid!!
As a result, I've been listening to the TV and I'm offended and not impressed at all. Some lowlights that caught my attention:
- Angelina Jolie had gun on her shoe at a European movie premier
- A Denver Broncos fan blows 6 car horns every time the Broncos score, and their neighbors aren't happy.
- A former contestant from "Dancing with the Stars" is having a nose job.
- Brittany ran a red light, texted in her car while driving, failed a drug test, and is going to move.
- Apparently the only people who watch TV this late at night need powered wheel-chairs. Presumably so they can change the channel.
- The Pope is coming to the US, as a non-Catholic and Deist, I could care less.
- Attorney Peter Francis Geraci , is the most powerful bankruptcy attorney in the world and he really cares, despite obvious scare tactics, partial truths and lies.
- A Group of Nuts, consisting of air pilots and a former Governor of Arizona gathered in Washington to demand that the Federal government to open a global investigation.
Man, with crap like that on, I can't wait to watch Sesame Street with my kids in a few hours! I really need to get off the grid!!
Friday, November 09, 2007
I'm Trying
Oh yeah, did I mention I'm a decrepit old man lately? Normally I still feel like I'm in my early 20's, both mentally and physically, but lately the old body has been taken some nasty hits; I'm still down to just one good hand for about a month more, my ulcer has been flaring a bit lately and making eating a real unpleasant experience, I woke up this morning and needed to take some pain pills because my back went out on me, To top that off, Meva says I have what amounts to a swollen and an infected testicle that is possibly the most unpleasant of all the things that are bothering me. And then there is next week's root canal!!! At this point I'm just waiting for scurvy to set in!
I set up time today to get my cast changed, per the doctor's orders and after Meva busted her butt to get home from work early so I could get this done, I get to the doctor's office and the person who does the casts already left for the day!! Even though I talked to her 3 hours before hand and she assured me she'd be there. Just thinking about this REALLY gets me beyond angry! I will get a hold of this doctor on Monday and I'm going to politely give him an ear-full.
So then, I get back home and find out that I somehow infected my computer with a nasty malware program that was just insanely hitting me with pop-ups. None of my usual tricks worked and it took me almost 6 hours, but I think I may have finally got the little bastard deleted. Now it's gotten me a bit paranoid and I'm going to spend most of Sunday backing up files onto CD's.
But in other news, I had such a good morning today with the triplets. I think they must have taken cooperative pills because they played so nice together and were just laughing with me and I remember wishing the day wouldn't ever end. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I'm going to be doing some leaf blowing and making giant piles of leaves for the kids to play in and see how well they take to it. I am so looking forward to this.
On another good note, I seemed to have gotten bitten by the holiday bug and I'm already trying to sort out my plans for Christmas. I've always gotten excited about Christmas, but I'm thinking this one could be the best one ever. I'm just about done putting together my lists of treats to bake this year as well as what I want to do with indoor and outdoor decorations, and then there is this year's special holiday photo's with the kids. It almost makes me a bit giddy when I think about it.
Well, I think this is enough time on here for me tonight, I need some sleep.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A Reason To Condescend
But then there are stories like the one below, stories so silly and stupid that you have to laugh. The fact that it happened to a hunter, in Iowa, just adds fuel to the fire for us to condescend. You can check out the direct link to the Google search to find out more if you'd like, but here is the snippet from the local paper:
Dog Steps On Gun, Shoots Man
TAMA, Iowa -- A Tama man was injured when hunting dogs stepped on his gun. Officials with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources said James Harris, 37, was pheasant hunting with a group about three miles north of Grinnell when the accident happened.Officials said the group had shot a bird and when Harris went to retrieve it, he put his gun on the ground and crossed a fence. As he crossed the fence, hunting dogs stepped on his gun causing it to fire.
Harris was shot in the lower left leg.
He was treated at Grinnell Medical Center and later transferred by helicopter to University Hospitals in Iowa City. His condition has not been released.
The investigation is continuing.
That last line kills me----The investigation is continuing!! My only knowledge of police investigation techniques come from watching movies & TV, so I accept my ignorant limitations, but really!! What the hell else is there to investigate? Motive? Whether or not the dog acted alone? Perhaps one of the other hunters or dogs were in on it? Maybe the dog was framed by a pheasant? Hicks!, ya gotta love them.
I've always been one to deal with stress and pressures on my own, with my most common tactic being to bottle up what annoys/angers/frustrates me and try to keep the peace. My success had aways been moderate, but enough to get by. In the last few years as stresses increased and family problems went on the rise, I began to lose the precious hold I'd had and my anger came out in large, mean, hurtful ways, each time while fighting with my wife
The first incident happened about 4 years ago now in which I beat down a door in two massive punches. I'm not talking about busting a door open either, since the door was locked into the frame, I took the entire door, frame and all, completely out of the wall; studs, molding, drywall---pretty much everything. The other occurred recently and it was the catalyst the tipped the scales and made me want to seek help. This one was a rather small scale fight between Meva and I that I completely escalated to extreme levels with some horrible comments and demands that I made while uncontrollably angry, but the worst part for me was that it happened in front of the kids. I vowed then and there to do whatever I needed to insure that never happened again. This is what brought in the counseling.
This has been a positive experience that has helped me to make better and healthier choices for myself. This in turn has had a direct effect in my dealings with others. At times it's been a validating experience, but it has also been challenging, frustrating, and exhausting. It's hard, but I intend to see this through.
In other news, my hand has settled down and the pain I feel is in direct relation to how active I must be in my daily life. I'll know more on Thursday (and have some disgusting Frankensteinesque pictures to share) about whether or not the infection has improved or gone away. It still hurts like crazy to type, which is why I have been silent on blogs and emails; at least compared to my norm. When I get the new cast on Thursday they're going try and shape it better so it interferes less with typing, so we'll see then.
No football talk around here for awhile------DAMN BEARS.
The triplets first semi-real Halloween is in two days, I totally can't wait! I am so stoked.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Word of the Day
I stayed away from the news today so that I could calm down a bit, and that's exactly what happened, I cooled down a bit.
If I could assign a one-word name to today, it would most certainly be pain, followed closely by stupidity! I've been bothered by an enormous amount of pain due to my depression---- which really amounts to aches and pains throughout my body. Beyond that my injured hand has been about an 8 (out of 10) today, my back has been sore, and my head was killing me all day from banging it real hard into a cast iron box which resulted in my chipping a tooth and opening it to a nerve.
Yes, that was all on Thursday. Yes, it caused a great deal of pain. But the worst part was that I was alone with my kids, plus little Finn, so I couldn't allow myself to take the pain meds that I have because they make me sleepy and I don't like to be on anything other than my "A" game when the babies are involved.
So, if you were expecting a call from me earlier or were the one I hung up on when you called today and I fumbled with the phone and then accidentally hung it up and erased all my caller IDs, you now know what was going on.
I'm looking for a much more comfortable day tomorrow though, so wish me luck.
If I could assign a one-word name to today, it would most certainly be pain, followed closely by stupidity! I've been bothered by an enormous amount of pain due to my depression---- which really amounts to aches and pains throughout my body. Beyond that my injured hand has been about an 8 (out of 10) today, my back has been sore, and my head was killing me all day from banging it real hard into a cast iron box which resulted in my chipping a tooth and opening it to a nerve.
Yes, that was all on Thursday. Yes, it caused a great deal of pain. But the worst part was that I was alone with my kids, plus little Finn, so I couldn't allow myself to take the pain meds that I have because they make me sleepy and I don't like to be on anything other than my "A" game when the babies are involved.
So, if you were expecting a call from me earlier or were the one I hung up on when you called today and I fumbled with the phone and then accidentally hung it up and erased all my caller IDs, you now know what was going on.
I'm looking for a much more comfortable day tomorrow though, so wish me luck.
Sullen & Eneverated
Of late though I'm really getting pissed at a certain type of story that continues to make headlines with increasing frequency, and that's school shootings. Every time we show one on TV and go in depth with detailed accounts of victim suffering and the fear and chaos of the entire event all we serve to do is inspire the next one.
The media is preying on the public with these types of stories that identify the shooter and describe them in such detail that anyone watching who is in a remotely similar state or frame of mind can actually become much more encouraged to copy the actions they see because it will give them their chance to be heard, gain notoriety, and a measure of revenge against those people they feel have wronged them.
In essence, they are creating the news and as a society, we are too stupid, too self-absorbed, and too powerless to organize for the common good and denounce these yellow hucksters and ad revenue vampires for their own irresponsibility. There has to be a degree of accountability reserved for every editor, producer, program director, reporter, or news anchor who cover these stories.
It all just makes me sick.
To think that I would rather hear about the latest non-news story about the current celebrity slutlet over this really says something.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday Sunday
I spent most of today taking care of babies. Sarah and Perrin have a stomach flu and they are very clingy and very pukey. Of course my hand hurt like crazy today, but the kids come first so I had to lay off the pain meds so I could focus on them and be attentive to their needs. I'm just glad I didn't have to do this alone, having Meva with me was amazing. Without her, I'm just trying to clap one-handed. (No Pun Intended)
The writing is still difficult with this cast. I thought it would get better after a few days with it, but that hasn't happened. The typing is a bit easier, but as of now it's causing more pain to actually do this. Hopefully I can get a more functional cast on Tuesday when I go for my first follow up visit to the doctor.
This blogs nature has taken a real somber mood of late and I want to fix that. I still feel the need to write about my counseling issues and feelings, but I don't want to do it all here, so I've created a separate blog for that aptly called Head Games. It's not for the faint hearted or easily offended, but you're welcome to check it out if you'd like. I'll add a permanent link to it on the sideboard tomorrow if I have time.
The Bears actually won today! It was an ugly win, but I'll take it because we definitely need it. I'm afraid of what the team will look like next year because I'm sensing a downward trend that will need some rebuilding soon. Is it too early to begin thinking about the draft?
Last night truly sucked. My brother Lou came up to watch the kids so Meva and I could go to a Halloween party. He was less than 20 minutes from the house (it's an almost 2 hour drive for him) when Sarah started vomiting and I called him to cancel. He came anyway and hung out, which was great, but I didn't feel like leaving him with a cranky, pukey, sick Sarah, so I stayed home and Meva went to the party solo. Sounds like it was a good time for all and I'm sorry I missed it, but Sarah wouldn't let me put her down without some major crying. Thanks again to Louie, Ashley, and Mike for coming down for all that and dealing with my loopy ass from all those pain meds.
Speaking of pain meds, all this typing is killing me, or rather it was killing me. It's all kicking in now so I'm going to sign-off here while I can.
The writing is still difficult with this cast. I thought it would get better after a few days with it, but that hasn't happened. The typing is a bit easier, but as of now it's causing more pain to actually do this. Hopefully I can get a more functional cast on Tuesday when I go for my first follow up visit to the doctor.
This blogs nature has taken a real somber mood of late and I want to fix that. I still feel the need to write about my counseling issues and feelings, but I don't want to do it all here, so I've created a separate blog for that aptly called Head Games. It's not for the faint hearted or easily offended, but you're welcome to check it out if you'd like. I'll add a permanent link to it on the sideboard tomorrow if I have time.
The Bears actually won today! It was an ugly win, but I'll take it because we definitely need it. I'm afraid of what the team will look like next year because I'm sensing a downward trend that will need some rebuilding soon. Is it too early to begin thinking about the draft?
Last night truly sucked. My brother Lou came up to watch the kids so Meva and I could go to a Halloween party. He was less than 20 minutes from the house (it's an almost 2 hour drive for him) when Sarah started vomiting and I called him to cancel. He came anyway and hung out, which was great, but I didn't feel like leaving him with a cranky, pukey, sick Sarah, so I stayed home and Meva went to the party solo. Sounds like it was a good time for all and I'm sorry I missed it, but Sarah wouldn't let me put her down without some major crying. Thanks again to Louie, Ashley, and Mike for coming down for all that and dealing with my loopy ass from all those pain meds.
Speaking of pain meds, all this typing is killing me, or rather it was killing me. It's all kicking in now so I'm going to sign-off here while I can.
Friday, October 19, 2007
The situation with my mother has been life changing in many ways for me and I feel like many areas of my past, present, and future are coming together and they are starting to shape me into a new person. Without a doubt this will anger some people, enlighten some other people, and in a few cases hopefully bring others closer to me. But more importantly I'm hoping for some evolving on my part.
I'm really not a big one on revelations, so forgive me the melodrama as this should be the first time you'll be hearing this, but I've been going to therapy on a weekly basis; trying to deal with issues I've had since I was a kid, and as an adult, and as a way to learn how to control and avoid my anger (If you've ever seen me completely lose it, you'll know why I want this). I've needed this help and I believe I am already using it to my advantage.
I will continue to use this blog as an outlet for my feelings, fears, and hopes. In conjuncture with my therapy, I'm looking for some healthy outcomes. I know that after the weekend I had dealing with the events surrounding my mother's health scare have caused me a great deal of pain and stress and I need to process these feelings and events. I'm seeing all of this as a confluence that needs sorting out so that I can move to the next stage of my life. It's the stage that makes me into the best father, husband, and man of character that I am meant to be.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I spent the day down and feeling sick. My throat is sore from being on the respirator while I was under sedation for the surgery and I've got a fever to boot! My wonderful friend Colleen came over to watch the kids for me while I just took it easy and pitched in where I could (which wasn't too many places with the awesome job she did). My hand still hurt and continued to swell, but I think it improving.
Meva and I have a real babysitter coming tomorrow to help out so I can take it easy and continue to rest and Heal. But, I'm still feeling like crap, so I'm off to sleep.
Meva and I have a real babysitter coming tomorrow to help out so I can take it easy and continue to rest and Heal. But, I'm still feeling like crap, so I'm off to sleep.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Pain!, The Pain!, The Pain!!
The doctor ended up doing a completely different plan for fixing the hand. When he got inside he discovered that the arthritis was extremely severe, the damage was far greater than he had anticipated. As feared, there was no cartilage to cushion between the two bones, which resulted in grinding to the point that the grinding had smoothed the bone to the point of turning it into ivory. This is was a problem because he planned on fusing the two bones together, but they were now too smooth and it would not work as such. The solution then involved grinding both bones to a coarse surface and grafting a portion of another bone removed from my wrist so that the bones could be fused together. We went from fusing two bones to three. The bones are held together by a bunch of wires and screws. This is expected to take eight weeks to heal.
Previously, I was facing a definite loss of mobility in the hand as well as a decrease in strength, both would vary depending on the type of surgery that would be performed. Now that this new procedure was performed I have no idea what is going to go on. I hope to have more definitive answers after my appointment with him.
Today has been a very long and many times strange day. I am so completely not on my A game. I may not even be on my C game. That means there is a lot of slurring of words with long pauses between thoughts and statements and unsteadiness on my feet, which has only been exasperated through the pain medicine that I've had to take which is pretty darn strong, even for me. I think this weekend is going to be the litmus test for how I'm going to do throughout the whole thing.
The one real sad drawback has been my typing proficiency. Quite frankly it sucks butt. It took me an hour to type the first one and a half paragraphs of this, and then my wonderful wife, Mev, stepped in while I dictated. So if I'm slow in getting around to e-mails you know why. Wish me luck and I'll keep in touch.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Kinda Of In The Clear
I got back from the hospital on Monday and my mother was off life support and on her way to recovery. It was a very intense and emotional weekend that I hope I never have to go through again. I'm still emotionally exhausted and beaten from everything and with my surgery to reconstruct my hand tomorrow I will have had a ridiculous week. Writing on the Veil has come to a halt, but I think I might be able to get back on it by Thursday. I think I'll be able to finish it on time, but we'll see.
For now, I need to sleep, but I'd like to thank everyone who sent me some well wishes and kind words. I appreciated the support and at times I needed it. Thanks again to all!
For now, I need to sleep, but I'd like to thank everyone who sent me some well wishes and kind words. I appreciated the support and at times I needed it. Thanks again to all!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Getting straight to the point, my mother is still alive. She's in the ICU and she was given a breathing tube to assist her because she was doing so poorly. As of 1:15am she is in stable condition with acceptable vital signs and under sedation. So all things considered, she is holding her own at the moment.
For those of you that don't know, she has COPD, which basically means she has difficulty breathing. She's been diagnosed with this for a few years now, but unfortunately she hasn't been a good patient. She has ignored orders to stop smoking and she doesn't exercise or take care of herself. I'm not harping about that though, those were her choices, but they've led to her being where she is at what I feel is an early age of 58. She's always been well aware of all this, but continued to live that lifestyle. To say the least, she's stubborn!
My previous post early hinted that I might be mean or bitter and I thankfully wasn't, but I think I know myself enough to know that eventually you will be subject to a rant or more about this topic. Part of this stems from the relationship I've had with my mother. We've never broken off ties or lost touch with each other, but our relationship has been strained for many many years. We aggravate each other, and I'm often accused of being an arrogant ass and know-it-all, and those are some of the better days.
My current frustration with her though is very closely related to tonight's event. I've been politely after her for months now to switch her disability insurance from Arizona to Illinois because I didn't think she looked healthy and in my opinion she needed to have medical checkups while she was here. She fought me tooth and nail the entire time for reasons she'll probably never truthfully tell me, and now she's lying in a bed sedated and being forced to breathe.
To compound matters, she's previously stated she didn't want any types of resuscitation should her health fail, but she never had that put in writing and the medical staff at her hospital followed normal procedures. My sister Teri is flying in tomorrow from Arizona and together we're going to make the hard decisions depending on how she is holding up at that time. Tomorrow will be a tough day for sure.
While this drama was playing out we had some emergencies and problems of our own here at my house. Meva and I aren't too sure exactly what happened, but our dog Gus bit our daughter Sarah in the face and opened up a gash below her left eye that needed stitches! So here I was trying to coordinate and acquire information for everyone and make my way to see my mother in the ER, when Sarah needs to go for a visit herself. With it being a Friday evening, Meva and I figured it would be around a six hour visit as we wait for stitches, which because of my mother couldn't have come at a worse time.
Since Meva is a Physician Assistant, she could actually do this herself, except we're not in the habit of carrying sutures and sterile equipment around with us, even at home. So, Meva drove to her work and got everything we needed for this so that she could do the procedure herself here at home, thus saving us at least 4 hours. Once Meva got back, we put the boys to bed (it was already past their bedtimes anyways) and together we gave Sarah two stitches in her cheek right on our living room floor! Sarah is doing OK, she's a tough little monster. Our dog Gus however is on borrowed time. He's either going to live with Meva's parents or he's going back to the adoption agency we got him from (that was all a part of the adoption agreement).
But wait, there's more!!
Meva has a bad habit of not putting the cordless phones back on the chargers when she's done talking. Because it wasn't stressful enough to just deal with the above on its own merit, the phones were constantly dying and made the entire process more difficult than it needed to be.
Friday was also supposed to be the day Meva's mother came home from the hospital at the end of almost 6 months of treatment for cancer. It took us a few hours (and a Dr. Meva Medicine Woman episode) before we could even call, and then we had to limit the duration of the call to save the juice. It turns out she didn't get discharged yet. Hopefully that will happen this weekend--it sucks having both mothers in the hospital at the same time.
And to put a topper on the evening, as I was bringing Ryan to bed to tuck him in, I was holding him and giving him his normal extra hugs and kisses, he got sick and threw up all over me and himself while Meva was still on her way back with the stitches, leaving me alone to get puked on and deal with the clean up and the other two babies. Let me just tell you that I have been thrown up on quite a bit by the triplets since they all had reflux when they were born, but this was the absolute worst and most foul-smelling vomit yet. It was truly Exorcist quality stuff, so that required a nice unexpected shower for the two of us!!
But, that was my evening and that's how things currently stand with my mother. I 'll fill everyone in on more as I get the info and have the time to do it. Wish me luck!
For those of you that don't know, she has COPD, which basically means she has difficulty breathing. She's been diagnosed with this for a few years now, but unfortunately she hasn't been a good patient. She has ignored orders to stop smoking and she doesn't exercise or take care of herself. I'm not harping about that though, those were her choices, but they've led to her being where she is at what I feel is an early age of 58. She's always been well aware of all this, but continued to live that lifestyle. To say the least, she's stubborn!
My previous post early hinted that I might be mean or bitter and I thankfully wasn't, but I think I know myself enough to know that eventually you will be subject to a rant or more about this topic. Part of this stems from the relationship I've had with my mother. We've never broken off ties or lost touch with each other, but our relationship has been strained for many many years. We aggravate each other, and I'm often accused of being an arrogant ass and know-it-all, and those are some of the better days.
My current frustration with her though is very closely related to tonight's event. I've been politely after her for months now to switch her disability insurance from Arizona to Illinois because I didn't think she looked healthy and in my opinion she needed to have medical checkups while she was here. She fought me tooth and nail the entire time for reasons she'll probably never truthfully tell me, and now she's lying in a bed sedated and being forced to breathe.
To compound matters, she's previously stated she didn't want any types of resuscitation should her health fail, but she never had that put in writing and the medical staff at her hospital followed normal procedures. My sister Teri is flying in tomorrow from Arizona and together we're going to make the hard decisions depending on how she is holding up at that time. Tomorrow will be a tough day for sure.
While this drama was playing out we had some emergencies and problems of our own here at my house. Meva and I aren't too sure exactly what happened, but our dog Gus bit our daughter Sarah in the face and opened up a gash below her left eye that needed stitches! So here I was trying to coordinate and acquire information for everyone and make my way to see my mother in the ER, when Sarah needs to go for a visit herself. With it being a Friday evening, Meva and I figured it would be around a six hour visit as we wait for stitches, which because of my mother couldn't have come at a worse time.
Since Meva is a Physician Assistant, she could actually do this herself, except we're not in the habit of carrying sutures and sterile equipment around with us, even at home. So, Meva drove to her work and got everything we needed for this so that she could do the procedure herself here at home, thus saving us at least 4 hours. Once Meva got back, we put the boys to bed (it was already past their bedtimes anyways) and together we gave Sarah two stitches in her cheek right on our living room floor! Sarah is doing OK, she's a tough little monster. Our dog Gus however is on borrowed time. He's either going to live with Meva's parents or he's going back to the adoption agency we got him from (that was all a part of the adoption agreement).
But wait, there's more!!
Meva has a bad habit of not putting the cordless phones back on the chargers when she's done talking. Because it wasn't stressful enough to just deal with the above on its own merit, the phones were constantly dying and made the entire process more difficult than it needed to be.
Friday was also supposed to be the day Meva's mother came home from the hospital at the end of almost 6 months of treatment for cancer. It took us a few hours (and a Dr. Meva Medicine Woman episode) before we could even call, and then we had to limit the duration of the call to save the juice. It turns out she didn't get discharged yet. Hopefully that will happen this weekend--it sucks having both mothers in the hospital at the same time.
And to put a topper on the evening, as I was bringing Ryan to bed to tuck him in, I was holding him and giving him his normal extra hugs and kisses, he got sick and threw up all over me and himself while Meva was still on her way back with the stitches, leaving me alone to get puked on and deal with the clean up and the other two babies. Let me just tell you that I have been thrown up on quite a bit by the triplets since they all had reflux when they were born, but this was the absolute worst and most foul-smelling vomit yet. It was truly Exorcist quality stuff, so that required a nice unexpected shower for the two of us!!
But, that was my evening and that's how things currently stand with my mother. I 'll fill everyone in on more as I get the info and have the time to do it. Wish me luck!
Adventures In Being A Child
I'm going to probably sound angry, bitter, and mean. It's not my intention, but I am extremely frustrated, angry, and a bit scared. My mother was just taken to the emergency room for problems breathing. I'm currently trying to find out the extent of her condition from the hospital, but I am of course on hold. I'm scared because I've been given some conflicting information regarding how she's doing and I can't trust the accuracy of the reports. I'll keep everyone posted with information as I get it.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Something Funny
I'm still fighting the pain in my hand these days. I don't know if it's actually happening or if it's because I know relief will eventually be here after my surgery next week, but the pain seems to have increased of late. Just about anything I do with my left hand aggravates the joint and makes life difficult. If you know me personally, you know how much I hate taking pills, but I've been popping pills like Bret Favre at a vicodine buffet! It helps with the pain so I can do chores around the house and write, but it sure does make me an emotional dingbat at times.
I was tooling around the web and I came across a YouTube video that shows Will Ferrel actually being a comedic actor and not a personality. What makes it more funny to me was that he was impersonating the legendary Harry Caray. It started out a bit weird with his really good impersonation, but the longer you watch it the funnier it becomes, much better than Cowbell in my opinion. Jeff Goldblum is in the skit and you can see Ferrel totally dominate the scene and Goldblum is barely able to keep from laughing himself at certain points. Anyways, I thought I'd share it, so judge for yourself:
I was tooling around the web and I came across a YouTube video that shows Will Ferrel actually being a comedic actor and not a personality. What makes it more funny to me was that he was impersonating the legendary Harry Caray. It started out a bit weird with his really good impersonation, but the longer you watch it the funnier it becomes, much better than Cowbell in my opinion. Jeff Goldblum is in the skit and you can see Ferrel totally dominate the scene and Goldblum is barely able to keep from laughing himself at certain points. Anyways, I thought I'd share it, so judge for yourself:
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

As for my current state of anger, I am able to keep it at a simmering boil just under the surface, but I have been known to unleash it at times. I don't expect this to happen, but if I shit on anyone, please understand and give me a chance to apologize afterwards.
Well, the Bears pulled off what I would have called a miracle in their win of the hated Packers. I say would have because of what the Cowboys did to win their game last night. Truly unbelievable to score 9 points in 20 seconds. It's a shame that no matter how well the Cowboys play this year, they will still lose in the Superbowl to the AFC representative.
Well, that's it for now. I have a lawn to mow and some more writing to finish.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
One Of The Best
Today was one of the absolutely best days I've ever had in my life. That's a simple, true statement that is totally without any hyperbole. We had our fundraiser for Perrin and the Chicago Hydrocephalus Association today at a very nice lake in Arlington Heights that I think was very successful. Out whole family came out to support our little Perrin, we called ourselves Team Fudd, and my Aunt Linda and my cousin Mary came out to support us and participate in the 2 mile walk around the paved lake. It's a tremendous and worthwhile cause.
But that wasn't it. While we were waiting for the event to get started, something finally happened that I've waited almost 40 minutes for; I went for a walk with my daughter Sarah leading the way in a nice playground and park setting. I was the daddy, walking alongside her, sometimes holding her hand, sometimes just letting her walk and run and just enjoying the sheer freedom of being able to move and go just about were ever she wanted to go.
I can't speak for other people, but as I was growing up and thinking about raising kids of my own, one of the images I had was walking in the park for the first time, watching my child walking and learning right beside me, laughing and giggling, running and failing, and loving me with all of her heart. The feelings were totally overwhelming and I don't know how I held back the tears, even now writing about it, it's hard.
I also got to operate a cotton candy machine by myself. God willing I'll never be a carnie, this was my chance to collect blown sugar on a spun piece of cardboard. It was fun and best of all it was free!!!
I also managed to take care of the blog template as I'm sure you've realized. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be and I owe it all to a blog I came across that spoke plainly and offered great examples of how to customize your layouts. The Hackosphere and I recommend it to anyone who isn't real good at html coding. The design isn't perfect, but Hackosphere taught me enough to feel confident to learn how to do more on my own, so thanks Ramani If you're bored with your blogs look, thins maybe the place to help you tweak it!
Well that's it. I took the day off of writing The Veil because my hand was hurting so bad I tore up on the pain meds for it I had finished today's post last night and I know what I'm doing next and I don't anticipate it giving me any problems. So, there you have it!
But that wasn't it. While we were waiting for the event to get started, something finally happened that I've waited almost 40 minutes for; I went for a walk with my daughter Sarah leading the way in a nice playground and park setting. I was the daddy, walking alongside her, sometimes holding her hand, sometimes just letting her walk and run and just enjoying the sheer freedom of being able to move and go just about were ever she wanted to go.
I can't speak for other people, but as I was growing up and thinking about raising kids of my own, one of the images I had was walking in the park for the first time, watching my child walking and learning right beside me, laughing and giggling, running and failing, and loving me with all of her heart. The feelings were totally overwhelming and I don't know how I held back the tears, even now writing about it, it's hard.
I also got to operate a cotton candy machine by myself. God willing I'll never be a carnie, this was my chance to collect blown sugar on a spun piece of cardboard. It was fun and best of all it was free!!!
I also managed to take care of the blog template as I'm sure you've realized. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be and I owe it all to a blog I came across that spoke plainly and offered great examples of how to customize your layouts. The Hackosphere and I recommend it to anyone who isn't real good at html coding. The design isn't perfect, but Hackosphere taught me enough to feel confident to learn how to do more on my own, so thanks Ramani If you're bored with your blogs look, thins maybe the place to help you tweak it!
Well that's it. I took the day off of writing The Veil because my hand was hurting so bad I tore up on the pain meds for it I had finished today's post last night and I know what I'm doing next and I don't anticipate it giving me any problems. So, there you have it!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Changes Under Way
For some strange reason, I can't format the template of this template any more. I've obviously messed with something and for lack of a better term, it's broken. It's sad because I really happened to like this template and I absolutely hate setting up new ones. I'm hoping to have this completed over the weekend, but we'll see.
Yesterday my hand was absolutely killing me. It was probably the worst day I've had with it that I can remember. I really hit the pain meds as a result of that, which meant I was pretty sluggish and a bit of a lump for the most part. I didn't get yesterday's Veil post up and running until maybe a minute before midnight. I really cut it close there, but even with the pain meds it hurt like crazy to even type. Today's not too much better, but I have so much to do that I'm holding out on the pills as long as I can.
The Cubs dropped another game last night, so now they're down 0-2 in the best of 5 series. One more loss and the season is over. I'm pretty sure that's going to happen Saturday unless they pitch Zambrano. We'll see. Either way I don't see them having enough talent to make the World Series. They're close, but just not there. If they can pick up another quality starting pitcher next year and another power hitting outfielder, I think they'll be set. But, we'll have to wait and see especially with the team up for sale.
Back to The Veil, I put a tracker on the site so I can see how many hits I get each day. It's a great one too because it gives me all kinds of other useful and interesting information that I might never had otherwise. It can tell me where the people who are accessing the site are located, when and how long they stayed, how they came to the site, and where they went when they left. It's a sad little "spy" thing I can do. It's harmless, but fun.
The reason I bring that up is because of two rather strange visits I received. In the story I used a local radio news reporter by name, Jackie Swike from Newsradio 780am. It was totally random and meant to add some local color to the tale. Well twice now people have been directed to my site from google searches for her. The strange part is that they have come from New York and Seattle! It led me to google her name and my brand new blog came up as the 5th choice, which is really pretty cool!
Well, I have today's installment to finish and I'd like to knock out as much of the weekend's installments as I can. At some point I'm really going to need to get ahead so I can compensate for my surgery here in the next two weeks.
Yesterday my hand was absolutely killing me. It was probably the worst day I've had with it that I can remember. I really hit the pain meds as a result of that, which meant I was pretty sluggish and a bit of a lump for the most part. I didn't get yesterday's Veil post up and running until maybe a minute before midnight. I really cut it close there, but even with the pain meds it hurt like crazy to even type. Today's not too much better, but I have so much to do that I'm holding out on the pills as long as I can.
The Cubs dropped another game last night, so now they're down 0-2 in the best of 5 series. One more loss and the season is over. I'm pretty sure that's going to happen Saturday unless they pitch Zambrano. We'll see. Either way I don't see them having enough talent to make the World Series. They're close, but just not there. If they can pick up another quality starting pitcher next year and another power hitting outfielder, I think they'll be set. But, we'll have to wait and see especially with the team up for sale.
Back to The Veil, I put a tracker on the site so I can see how many hits I get each day. It's a great one too because it gives me all kinds of other useful and interesting information that I might never had otherwise. It can tell me where the people who are accessing the site are located, when and how long they stayed, how they came to the site, and where they went when they left. It's a sad little "spy" thing I can do. It's harmless, but fun.
The reason I bring that up is because of two rather strange visits I received. In the story I used a local radio news reporter by name, Jackie Swike from Newsradio 780am. It was totally random and meant to add some local color to the tale. Well twice now people have been directed to my site from google searches for her. The strange part is that they have come from New York and Seattle! It led me to google her name and my brand new blog came up as the 5th choice, which is really pretty cool!
Well, I have today's installment to finish and I'd like to knock out as much of the weekend's installments as I can. At some point I'm really going to need to get ahead so I can compensate for my surgery here in the next two weeks.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
The Veil
It's been a few days now, but I managed to get my writing project, The Veil, up and running on time. For those of you not in the know, The Veil is a story that is a supernatural thriller set in modern times with a touch of horror. The structure is close to how they do the Fox TV show 24, in that each chapter I write takes place within an increment of one hour, although this will cover more than a 24 hour period.
The story is supposed to take place around Halloween of this year, so starting on October 1st I am making a post each day that chronicles one hour out of the story, from start to finish. I could say more about it, but I think it's easier to just visit and read it.
Meva, the kids, and myself are going to be participating in a 2 mile fund raiser walk this Saturday on October 6th to benefit the Hydrocephalus Association of Chicago. Perrin has his own team and his own website if you'd like to donate and help out. His website is located here. The Walk takes place at 1PM at Lake Arlington Park in Arlington Heights. I'm guessing the event will last about 4 hours or so. We've set a team goal of $500 to try and raise, so if anyone is interested in helping out, no matter how much, that would be great!
Let's see, sports wise this is probably not a good time to be rooting for Chicago teams. The Cubs are already down a game in their best of five series with Arizona and the embarrassment that is my Chicago Bears are playing this Sunday night on national TV against the Packers. I think that's going to be an ugly game, so I'll probably start the weekend off in a grumptastical mood!
For the moment though everything is going well and I don't have any complaints. My little buddy that I watch on Tuesdays and Thursdays is teething and a bit miserable at times, but today he had some real positive experiences of playing with toys and with my kids, and that is so wonderful to see. To be sure, he still cries an awful lot, but if I was in his shoes, so would I.
The story is supposed to take place around Halloween of this year, so starting on October 1st I am making a post each day that chronicles one hour out of the story, from start to finish. I could say more about it, but I think it's easier to just visit and read it.
Meva, the kids, and myself are going to be participating in a 2 mile fund raiser walk this Saturday on October 6th to benefit the Hydrocephalus Association of Chicago. Perrin has his own team and his own website if you'd like to donate and help out. His website is located here. The Walk takes place at 1PM at Lake Arlington Park in Arlington Heights. I'm guessing the event will last about 4 hours or so. We've set a team goal of $500 to try and raise, so if anyone is interested in helping out, no matter how much, that would be great!
Let's see, sports wise this is probably not a good time to be rooting for Chicago teams. The Cubs are already down a game in their best of five series with Arizona and the embarrassment that is my Chicago Bears are playing this Sunday night on national TV against the Packers. I think that's going to be an ugly game, so I'll probably start the weekend off in a grumptastical mood!
For the moment though everything is going well and I don't have any complaints. My little buddy that I watch on Tuesdays and Thursdays is teething and a bit miserable at times, but today he had some real positive experiences of playing with toys and with my kids, and that is so wonderful to see. To be sure, he still cries an awful lot, but if I was in his shoes, so would I.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Early to Bed
Yeah, that's something that absolutely hasn't happened yet for me today. Sleeping has been a real issue for me of late, and I think it's getting into a critical area. Over the last 4 days I think I've gotten about 12 hours sleep. Even when I take some meds to help me relax, my body just seems to fight it off and I still end up awake until the wee hours of the morning---just like now. Pretty soon, the migraines will start up again.
Well, the Bears lost and by all accounts they looked horrible! I was lucky enough to have to work today during the debacle, but I have it recorded so I can hurt myself later and see exactly what happened. I mean, 34 fricken points in the 4th quarter?? Taking away the 14 that weren't scored by the offense, that still means our defense let 20 roll onto the board. I don't care how many starters were injured and not playing, when something like that happens it's time to admit you aren't a top defense any more and you need to reassess your planning and personnel. And then there is the QB position. We benched Rex for throwing too many INT's the previous week (3) and guess how many Greise threw? I know the WR's suck, but this is ridiculous. How much longer until Kyle Orton gets his chance again? I am ready for him right now!
It doesn't look like it got any easier for me in fantasy football. I spent most of my week focused elsewhere and not paying attention to my teams, and I'm paying for it now. In every single league I'm in, I have either been thoroughly beaten up, or I'm about to be. I guess this just needs to be chalked up as one of those weeks and I'm best for moving on.
I'm still not in much of a mood to talk politics or current events, so I'll skip that in favor of what I've watched on TV this past week now that the new TV season has begun.
Old Favorites--- I watched My Name Is Earl and The Office on Thursday and they were both really good starts to the season. They both had some great moments and a few slow spots, but it was a great start for each of them. I thought Earl was a bit better, but The Office had me talking a bit more. ER was a bit of a let down. I still liked it, but I think it missed it's mark as to what it was hoping to achieve, but the show was still good. Heroes was the class of the season to date as far as I have seen. It's just plugging along pulling great plot threads and weaving in some great new characters and developments that I really enjoyed.
New Shows-- I watched Bionic Women and it was borderline bad. The dialogue was weak and the did a poor job of defining many of the characters. The show has some promise, so I'm not ready to write it off yet. Journeyman was a pleasant surprise. I really liked it and the characters were interesting, despite there being a very strong "Quantum Leap" feel to the show. But it did most every thing correctly, so I am looking forward to watching it again later tonight. Same thing goes with Chuck. It was put together well and I think it combined some different genres well to make it stand out from all of the other new shows. The show that really shocked me was Reaper on the CW. I thought it was going to be really bad, and it still might, but I had fun watching it and I think they did a great portrayal of the Devil--he was scary, evil, and vindictive, but he was also entertaining. Moonlight on the other hand was pure torture. It was a great idea, but it was just so poorly written and executed that I don't think this will last long at all.
Anyways, that's it for now. I have a chance to maybe grab 3-4 hours of sleep before the babies get up, so I'm going to go and give it a show. Wish me luck!
Well, the Bears lost and by all accounts they looked horrible! I was lucky enough to have to work today during the debacle, but I have it recorded so I can hurt myself later and see exactly what happened. I mean, 34 fricken points in the 4th quarter?? Taking away the 14 that weren't scored by the offense, that still means our defense let 20 roll onto the board. I don't care how many starters were injured and not playing, when something like that happens it's time to admit you aren't a top defense any more and you need to reassess your planning and personnel. And then there is the QB position. We benched Rex for throwing too many INT's the previous week (3) and guess how many Greise threw? I know the WR's suck, but this is ridiculous. How much longer until Kyle Orton gets his chance again? I am ready for him right now!
It doesn't look like it got any easier for me in fantasy football. I spent most of my week focused elsewhere and not paying attention to my teams, and I'm paying for it now. In every single league I'm in, I have either been thoroughly beaten up, or I'm about to be. I guess this just needs to be chalked up as one of those weeks and I'm best for moving on.
I'm still not in much of a mood to talk politics or current events, so I'll skip that in favor of what I've watched on TV this past week now that the new TV season has begun.
Old Favorites--- I watched My Name Is Earl and The Office on Thursday and they were both really good starts to the season. They both had some great moments and a few slow spots, but it was a great start for each of them. I thought Earl was a bit better, but The Office had me talking a bit more. ER was a bit of a let down. I still liked it, but I think it missed it's mark as to what it was hoping to achieve, but the show was still good. Heroes was the class of the season to date as far as I have seen. It's just plugging along pulling great plot threads and weaving in some great new characters and developments that I really enjoyed.
Anyways, that's it for now. I have a chance to maybe grab 3-4 hours of sleep before the babies get up, so I'm going to go and give it a show. Wish me luck!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I had a really mixed day today. It started off great, playing with the three most beautiful children in the world. Afterwards I had a pile of chores that needed mu attention and that included doing a lot of work with my arthritic hand. From that point on the hand got worse and we all packed up for an evening at my aunt's house for dinner and a little bit socializing with my aunt and my mother. It went really well, but at some point I really pulled something in my back. And I mean I really hurt something.
At this point I'm not sure what and how much med I took (although I wrote it out somewhere) and I'm a bit tipsy. I'm still in pain and I'll probably take one or two more. I tried sleeping and it just wasn't working.
I have a new writing project coming up called The Veil It starts October 1st, so you definitely don't want to miss this. You can even head over now and see just a few things if you'd like!
And before I forget, you should check out my MySpace Profile. I just got it redone and I think it's freaking awesome!!
Time for my pain pills, wish me luck.
At this point I'm not sure what and how much med I took (although I wrote it out somewhere) and I'm a bit tipsy. I'm still in pain and I'll probably take one or two more. I tried sleeping and it just wasn't working.
I have a new writing project coming up called The Veil It starts October 1st, so you definitely don't want to miss this. You can even head over now and see just a few things if you'd like!
And before I forget, you should check out my MySpace Profile. I just got it redone and I think it's freaking awesome!!
Time for my pain pills, wish me luck.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Seasons Change
Now that Autumn is here, I think I may be the only one on my block that's still running his air conditioner regularly. In my defense it's been pretty muggy and I hate it when I get to feeling sticky and the air is thick. I just may run that thing until November.
The arthritis in my hand has been continuing to bother me to the point that I face every day with the option of limiting how much I do versus getting doped up on pain meds to combat this. I really hate having to take meds, so this is a situation that I absolutely hate. So I finally broke down and I called my surgeon to set up my operation for the hand. I won't know for a few more days, but the surgery will be either Oct 15th or Oct 17th. I imagine the recovery is going to hurt like nothing else has in a while, but if it can get me back to a more quasi=normal life, then I'd rather get it over and done with now.
I've had a rough couple of days counseling someone about homosexuality. I won't name names, but someone I know has pretty much come out to this friend of mine and it's a very tough situation for that person. I was pretty shocked at some of the opinions and positions that the person has about this because I thought the person was more liberal about this, but when push came to shove and the issue became a part of this person's life, their true feelings and thoughts came out. The encouraging thing is that the person really wants to do the right thing and to understand. I think that's the most important thing to do and I'm really proud of that person for taking those steps. It's very brave and it would be so easy to go the other way and act close-minded. I'm sure I will get frustrated to no end at times over this, but I think in the end things will really work out.
On a lighter note, thank God the Bears have decided to bench Rex Grossman after 3 games and turn the offense over to Brian Greise. He's nothing spectacular, but he has got to be better than the crap we've seen from Rex. With the Defense seeming to fall apart more and more each week with injury, something needs to be done to stabilize the offense and find a way to score!
Well, the pain in my hand that woke me up has been defeated by the meds I took, so it's back to sleep for me.
The arthritis in my hand has been continuing to bother me to the point that I face every day with the option of limiting how much I do versus getting doped up on pain meds to combat this. I really hate having to take meds, so this is a situation that I absolutely hate. So I finally broke down and I called my surgeon to set up my operation for the hand. I won't know for a few more days, but the surgery will be either Oct 15th or Oct 17th. I imagine the recovery is going to hurt like nothing else has in a while, but if it can get me back to a more quasi=normal life, then I'd rather get it over and done with now.
I've had a rough couple of days counseling someone about homosexuality. I won't name names, but someone I know has pretty much come out to this friend of mine and it's a very tough situation for that person. I was pretty shocked at some of the opinions and positions that the person has about this because I thought the person was more liberal about this, but when push came to shove and the issue became a part of this person's life, their true feelings and thoughts came out. The encouraging thing is that the person really wants to do the right thing and to understand. I think that's the most important thing to do and I'm really proud of that person for taking those steps. It's very brave and it would be so easy to go the other way and act close-minded. I'm sure I will get frustrated to no end at times over this, but I think in the end things will really work out.
On a lighter note, thank God the Bears have decided to bench Rex Grossman after 3 games and turn the offense over to Brian Greise. He's nothing spectacular, but he has got to be better than the crap we've seen from Rex. With the Defense seeming to fall apart more and more each week with injury, something needs to be done to stabilize the offense and find a way to score!
Well, the pain in my hand that woke me up has been defeated by the meds I took, so it's back to sleep for me.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursdays are becoming really tough for me mentally. I think I've said before that I'm now watching my friend's son during the day, and while it's a complete blast, having 4 babies around the age of 1 can be quite a ride! This cute little guy, Finnegan, is still getting used to be away from Mommy and watching 3 other giant babies crawl and walk all over the place (and over him if he's in the way) and I spend much time comforting him and protecting him from my three. It's such a drastic change for him to come from a house where it's just him with Mommy and Daddy to cater to him then to come to my house and he's the smallest and slowest of this new "pack" that he's slowly getting integrated into. He's a trooper and a good sport, so I think he'll get better and better each day he spends with us. But right now I give him lots of extra attention and love so that he's OK and as a result I have less to give to my three. Lucky thing for Finn he's damn cute and worth it all!
Let's see, my sister-in-law Missy is coming out for the weekend to visit a bit and attend a seminar for work. It's going to be nice to see her and spend some quality time with her. When we go to Ohio there is always so much going on and so many people around that I don't feel we get a chance to visit the way we'd like to. I'm looking forward to that and I think the kids are also.
I briefly met up with a guy I went to high school with the other day. I had some old computers and various parts to give away and he just happened to answer my ad that I posted on freecycle. I caught up with him a bit and unfortunately he just broke up with his girlfriend of a year and it has hit him pretty hard. I sure hope he gets through this alright. It makes me realize how lucky I am to have Meva!
Perrin is still doing well after his surgery. He has to get an antibacterial ointment put in his eyes twice a day at the moment and he is none too happy about it. Like all things I do, there is almost a Spartan efficiency in my method of tenderly restraining him and administering this that really pisses him off. All things considered he does well.
Big football game this weekend between my beloved Bears and the sanctimonious Dallas Criminals, I mean Cowboys. If our offense can at least be proficient on a college level, we should be able to handle Dallas. They're good, but our defense is really unbelievable and I think more than a match for them. Sorry carry, but your Cowboys are going down hard!
Well, it's time for me to put down whatever it is that's haunting my sleep so that I can get at least a few hours rest before I have to get the kids up. Wish me luck or it's going to be a murderously long day tomorrow/this morning.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Context and the Grid
The thing that makes me think about this is all the stupidity about that guy who was tasered at a John Kerry function at the University of Florida. Events like are what I usually consider nonsense, and I pay the briefest attention to them when I see them, but I was instantly skeptical about the entire incident. Then I started getting these ridiculous emails and bulletins about how we live in a police state and the infringements of our 1st Amendment rights.
That is the shit that makes me want to just pull out my hair!! So, slightly enraged I watched this video and all I saw was that someone resisted being removed from a room and was tasered for failure to calm himself. The video doesn't start from the beginning as it's obvious there was more that had happened prior to the start of the video. Faced with just this alone, you can't make an accurate judgment of whether what we see is uncalled for or extreme.
All it took was some simple, and I mean very simple, research to find out that more did indeed happen, that this knucklehead has a history of staging stunts, and that he acted aggressively and erratically while in the presence of an elected Federal Official and easily looked like a dangerous person who needed to be removed. When he refused, and make no mistake the video shows he refused to comply, he was taken into custody. I wish I was there, I would have tasered him myself given the chance!
Having the right to free speech doesn't mean we can say anything and jump around and cut off other people while we verbally harass a US Senator at a public institution. We are less than a year from an incident where a college student goes on a shooting spree on a major campus. I think every officer involved acted prudently and gave the guy ample opportunity to avoid his outcome.
The problem is the average citizen in this country. We have become a stupid, thoughtless, and arrogantly ignorant society that allows itself to be pulled around with our eyes open and our minds closed.
And then there is the entire over exposure by the media of the latest OJ Simpson soap opera!!
Thank God we can now look away from Lindsey for awhile!
Seriously, this isn't only not the world I want to live in, it's also not the world I want my children brought up in. I'd miss many things, but more and more the thought of living off the grid becomes more and more appealing.
That's why I haven't posted here in a bit--- it just hurts sometimes to talk about what's going on.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Week 2
The second week of the NFL season has hit and it looks like there were some fantastic games that took place. Scoring, defense, and incredible stories that kept you in your seat and glued to the screen. It's what makes the game such an incredible spectator sport, and when you add in fantasy sports to the mix, it creates a holiday atmosphere.
But I had to work! I missed the Bears unimpressive win over the sad Chiefs, the incredible 96 point game between the Browns and Bengals, and few surprising upsets. The worst part is that I sat at work kicking ass and ringing up big sales. I can't wait until I'm done with this job and I can have my weekends back.
My son will be having eye surgery tomorrow. He has strabismus, which is the crossing of his eyes. I had it myself when I was a boy and I had a similar surgery to correct it. With all the advances in medicine within the 35 years since I had my procedure, this should be cake for him. But still, he's been through a lot in his young life and I hate that he has to go through anything else, even one that is relatively safe.
I'm not int the mood to get too political or critical of society at the moment.......there's so much wrong and I can only write for a bit tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
But I had to work! I missed the Bears unimpressive win over the sad Chiefs, the incredible 96 point game between the Browns and Bengals, and few surprising upsets. The worst part is that I sat at work kicking ass and ringing up big sales. I can't wait until I'm done with this job and I can have my weekends back.
My son will be having eye surgery tomorrow. He has strabismus, which is the crossing of his eyes. I had it myself when I was a boy and I had a similar surgery to correct it. With all the advances in medicine within the 35 years since I had my procedure, this should be cake for him. But still, he's been through a lot in his young life and I hate that he has to go through anything else, even one that is relatively safe.
I'm not int the mood to get too political or critical of society at the moment.......there's so much wrong and I can only write for a bit tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
Friday, September 14, 2007
20 years, where have you gone?
The sad thing is that I really had a good time at the previous reunion and I know that even as I write this, I would have enjoyed meeting up with people and catching up. But no matter how bad I think I might miss it, I have to remember that I really wasn't that social in high school and as such I don't have too much in the way of memories to reminisce about. I'm not really upset about that, but when I remember that I would be put into a banquet hall with people that for the most part, my only connection is shared school assignments, the perspective is finally gained.
In other news our house is now officially off the market and we're staying until at least the spring. I'm too tired to be disappointed about this turn of events and I'd much rather put my energies towards what may be the first memorable holidays for my children. As it is, I'm really already getting excited about Christmas!
It's late and I have to work, so this one is going to be short. I'll write more later.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Theivery & Vicodine
Sometime during the night someone entered our yard and tore apart the inside of my wife's car. I was on the verge of running late for work to begin with when I got to the car and saw that the thieves had went through the glove box and all the storage areas of the car searching for drugs as it turned out. They left all the change and our cell phone, but the emergency bottles of pain medicine that we keep in the car for when we travel was taken.
In no way am I naive about the area I live in or the times, but it sure does take the luster off of the neighborhood I live in since it was most likely one of my neighbors. Vigilance will be the new keyword around here.
Our house is still on the market, but for one more week only. We entered a real dead zone for awhile, but once we notified our agent that we weren't going to renew our deal to sell, all of a sudden we've had a spike in showings, with a high percentage of them being agents from the same office. Talk about a bunch of BS. If these are people that are honestly interested in our type of house, that's ok (but where have they all been?) but if they're just buyers that our office is trying to force our house upon now that they sense the end is near, that doesn't say a lot about them. It would make me wonder how well we were really being served. Anyways, I would be surprised if someone came through this week with an offer, so for all practical purposes this is over for now and it's time to focus on the family and the coming autumn/winter.
The NFL starts it's season this week, and my beloved Bears have to face a very tough San Diego Charger team tomorrow. I don't think the Bears are going to walk away with a win, the Chargers are that good and that explosive. I hope I'm wrong, but we'll have to see how things shake out tomorrow. Fantasy football wise, this looks like a real fun year. Counting all types of leagues, I am in about 8 different leagues and I'm loving it all. There are few times of the year that are as much fun as football season for sure.
Oh yeah. For those of you who know me, you'll know what this means and how big of a deal it is, but it's pumpkin spice coffee time!!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Doing Well
Meva and Perrin came home about an hour ago. The results from his CT scan were positive and didn't show anything to make us believe that his shunt isn't working!
I'm at a point right now where I am totally alone. I mean this literally, Sarah and Ryan are both down for bed and already asleep and Meva and Perrin are at the Emergency Room. Earlier today Perrin had an episode of vomiting that was unrelated to feeding, as it happened after a three hour nap and hadn't eaten in four hours or so. That's a serious sign that his shunt has malfunctioned and he needs brain surgery again.
Meva came home from work and took him in to have a CT scan and possibly more to check and see how things are going. It's been almost 4 hours and I haven't heard anything from her. The longer I go without some word, the harder this is to bare. For reasons that seem completely silly right now, we don't have a cell phone, so Meva probably doesn't have any way to get in touch with me and let me know how things are going. This has happened before, but it will not happen again I assure you.
So I'm sitting her alone, patiently waiting for some word and I'm not embarrassed to say I am a bit scared. As I know more, I will update things here.
Meva came home from work and took him in to have a CT scan and possibly more to check and see how things are going. It's been almost 4 hours and I haven't heard anything from her. The longer I go without some word, the harder this is to bare. For reasons that seem completely silly right now, we don't have a cell phone, so Meva probably doesn't have any way to get in touch with me and let me know how things are going. This has happened before, but it will not happen again I assure you.
So I'm sitting her alone, patiently waiting for some word and I'm not embarrassed to say I am a bit scared. As I know more, I will update things here.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Deportation Blues
Mrs Arellano's complaint was that she wanted to stay in this country until her son was an adult. Her son is a US citizen, and he's 18. She repeatedly called for the government and the nation to have compassion for her.
Well, her story came to an end when she was dumb enough to leave the church and travel to LA for an immigration rally. Guess what? She was captured and back in Mexico in less than 24 hours!
I am so absolutely glad that she was deported. She broke out laws by illegally entering the country, and then falsified documents (such as illegally using someone else's social security number) to stay in the country. So we're all supposed to just ignore her disrespect of our laws and traditions just for her, when the money that she has cost this country in her deceptions and then deportation could have been used to feed or house an impoverished family, or fund an educational program, pay for college for a deserving student without the means to go on their own, or even pay for medical care for the elderly? Were was her compassion when she stole these opportunities from US citizens?
I am sensitive and compassionate about her quality of life in her home country, but we have rules and procedures for entering this country, she just chose to ignore them and break the law. I wonder how long it's going to be before we put up a brick wall? In my opinion, it's not soon enough!
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