The water leak is all fixed and not a leak in sight, which is great news. At the risk of complaining too much, things have been moving along rather crappy!! I went from some leaky pipes and home repairs to horribly strong migraines, to a serious flaring up of an old hand injury, to back pain that almost makes me cry. LOL, a week into being 38 and I might actually be falling apart.
So, I try and deal with the pain as best as I could but it's not working and then I go and put my back completely out of sorts to the extent that I am having trouble picking up my children. I wish I had a great story about injuring my back saving a busload of puppies and nuns from "The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight, " but I don't. Simply put, I couldn't resist my wife's beauty and allure and in a moment of intimacy I injured my back.
So anyways, it's pretty messed up and not even vicodin is helping me with the pain and my wife gets me introduced to something called Norco. It's much stronger and very effective. The only problem is that it clouds my mind and makes me pretty dopey ............................... kinda like being drunk. That's a real trip for me since I gave up drinking over 5 years ago.
My wife finds this to be very entertaining for the first few hours as I am rambling and stammering while trying to explain such complex concepts like: Where are the goldfish crackers? Fast forward about 5 hours and I still haven't found the crackers (although I ate them 2 hours ago) and she's as frustrated as I am.
Anyways, that's pretty much been my week here. I'm not even going to get into the wild ass dreams I've had but if Sharon O'Connell is reading this by chance, I miss you kiddo and I wish we talked more often. I also bought an adult-sized onesie for my friend Tom's birthday put an Irish curse on it after sending a photo shopped picture of my son and godzilla to him that I now refer to as Ryzilla.
I'm tired, dopey, and tired. I'll type more when I can make sense and the keys on my keyboard stop moving so much.
1 comment:
So sorry to hear about all your pains and problems, man. And so sorry I didn't realize you just had a birthday, so Happy Belated Birthday!
Get to feeling better, bro!
Coincidentally, my aunt who lives about 5 minutes from me found out Friday she had a water leak and the stupid thing has run her water bill up to $1000! She's freaking out and things are really rough for them now. So I kind of feel your pain in a round about way on that aspect. And believe me, I know all about the physical pain too. I hope it all turns around for you soon!
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