Well, the song says you get another day older and deeper in debt. I suppose that with the way this society is increasingly running on credit that the song is more true today than ever before. Yes, today is my birthday, I am 38 years old and I've never felt older in my life......wait....that's not true, I feel even older right now...........and still older now........you get my meaning!
Anyways, it's been a rough few days around here lately. The triplets are still in "cold" mode. The fevers are gone, but they've been replaced with runny noses, congestion, and coughing. All being said, they are in great moods..........until I get the aspirator out and clean their respective noses.....not a fun time at all! This entire turn of events with them has left me run down and exhausted on levels I've not known before.
Along with the lack of sleep has come some of my well-known migraine headaches. If you don't know, these things just suck. They take away my vision (for about 20 minutes), give me a nasty headache, and I'm often left with muscle aches and nausea. It's definitely not something I wish for those I care about. But, those have been with me in one form or another for the past three or four days.
Saturday I went to my buddy Chris' 30th birthday party. His girlfriend hosted it at a local place called Dave and Busters, which is a large place similar to Bennigans, except it has pool tables, a bar, and a bunch of video games. I had a great time seeing many of my friends again, but I ended the night on a bit of a funny and sour note----I injured myself playing a video game. This time it was some virtual boxing game. I was really winded after going 9 rounds and 3 matches(to be honest, there isn't much of a rest time between rounds or matches) and the next day my arms were sore from all the punches I had thrown! The game is great in that you can't just sit there and Punch and still win.......you have to duck and bob and weave from side to side. It's quite a bit of work, but I got to admit I enjoyed it and I want to play again. Now that I'm 38, I don't have too many more matches left in me!!
As for me today? I'm doing nothing special at all.......I'm just staying home with my wife and kids. I figure I'll do a butt load of chores and stuff around the house and then treat myself to reading comics tonight! That's the best part of having your birthday on a Wednesday....Birthday Comics!!
dude! happy birthday Chuck! even tho i'm a day late! i hope it wasn't as bad a day as all that man, but if it helps, i'm right there with you brother. and besides, they say 38 is the new 25! hehe
Thanks Cary!!
Actually my birthday was great. I hung out with the babies and played with them, which is always a good time. My wife went out of her way to get me goodies and treats and left me alone to read my comics in peace!! Almost a perfect day if you ask me!
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