I don't think anyone needs to be convinced that what Cho Seung-Hui did was wrong or that there were plenty of warning signs that should have prevented this from ever coming to the explosive conclusion we saw on Monday. That's all pretty cut and dry and we can learn from this tragedy. What's more is that we had damn sure better learn from it, because it's going to happen again and it's going to happen on a grander scale.
The media coverage of this event absolutely sickens me to no end. In my opinion there is absolutely no way that Cho's video should have been released to the public in any manner whatsoever. Any website, agency, or broadcasting company that has shown this should be held responsible for the next set of killings that are sure to be inspired from their negligence. By putting his video on the air or the internet they have shown the next killer that their message will also be heard; all they have to do is kill a bunch of people.
Where is the integrity and responsibility to make sure that we don't inspire or promote this behavior to the people out there that are in need of help and someone to listen to, but aren't getting it for whatever reason. This goes beyond the realm of journalism, this is a problem for all people in this society. The people who run NBC and it's news division had the opportunity to be responsible and elect not to broadcast Cho's sick and hateful message to the world, but for the obvious reasons they chose to ignore the needs of this nation, the feelings of the accussed's family, and the suffering of the victims families and they played the video, released his writings, and played it over and over again. This is humanity at one of its lowest forms.
To this end Ihave no choice but to award NBC News with this week's Stupid Site of the Week award. Unlike previous weeks, I won't be including a link to the site to showcase it's stupidity. In fact, I hope that no one visits their website. I for one won't be doing that again. I think it's important for me to take a stand against this kind of behavior and it's probably a good idea for me to boycott NBC News in all it's forms. If I truly feel upset and sicken by their actions, then there is no way I can support them by viewing any of their programs or transmissions. Maybe this will become something of a passion for me, I don't know yet, but at the very least I will chose not to participate in their type of irresponsible behavior.
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