Monday Perrin broke down with a low fever and runny nose. He just layed around most of that day and the early part of Tuesday. He seems to have bounced back just fine. Wednesday morning Ryan woke up hot, flushed, and caked with snot. He was absolutely miserable to the point that he layed on the sofa all day yesterday and didn't once get down to play. I had to fight with him to push liquids and he hardly ate. Despite alternating Children's Tylenol and Ibuprofen every few hours, the best I could do with his temperature was 101.2.
After their naps, Ryan stayed the same and Sarah joined him. She woke up real hot and flushed---and I mean REAL flushed. Her temperature spiked to 100.3 and by the end of the night she had perked up and was back to playing.
But prior to the end of the night, I had my hands full trying to comfort too sick kids and then placate the one that wasn't sick. Poor little Perrin just wanted some attention and I feel bad I couldn't give him more. But overall he was so good and very helpful, he makes me smile.
After having Ryan sleep with me last night because he kept waking up and crying, he woke me at 6:00am this morning. I kept him quite for almost two hours before getting him up to start the meds again, getting him something to drink, and then putting him back down with Meva. That's not going over too well though as I keep hearing him cry and call out for his Daddy! I'd go out back in there and lay down with him except my sinuses are all jacked up. One side is stuffed, the other one is runny. My head is pounding and I ache all over. I just took my temperature and I'm now at 100.4.
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