Friday, February 06, 2009

Parenting is exhausting.

I'm just exhausted and stressed out to dangerous levels. I finally bit the bullet and took some anti-anxiety pills to help be relax. Yes, they worked. Very well. I feel like I've been hanging out with Michael Phelps and Willie Nelsen, but with out the munchies!!

I'm still talking with my father, and it's moving along nicely. I even had another appointment with my therapist Ivan, which went better than hoped for and was more beneficial than I would have prayed for. So those are both pluses.

I've just about got my first wave of items that I want to put on eBay all together and ready to be listed. It should be around 30-50 items in that initial group, and then the next one will easily double it, if not triple it.

Perrin had a visit with a neurologist today and he has been officially diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Make no mistake in that we would rather he didn't have these set backs in life, but having the label official now allows for him to be eligible for services that he needs, which is what we care about. Overall this is good news and hets more focused on determining what his spegific needs are. So, it was a good day.

1 comment:

Jason Berek-Lewis said...

I'm sure that with the right care, Perrin will do fine!